Guide to Backing up your Virtual Machines with VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB)

This has been a pretty fun project at work and I think it could benefit a lot of people, so I’ve decided to post a modified version of my documentation. It’s a DRAFT and not quite yet in production. I’m still working through a lot of the process. Here’s what I’ve learned… There’s an awful lot of noise (and even worse, quite a bit of actual material) to wrap your mind around when doing a Disaster Recovery plan for virtual machines....

August 28, 2008 · itsahill00

VI-Toolkit: Calculate .vmdk size for Linux Guests

Not really a one-liner when you try to make it readable… With help from halr9000… Calculate disk usage of all Linux Guest Virtual Machines: [sourcecode language=‘jscript’]get-vm | where { $_.Guest.OSFullName -match “Linux” -band $_.Guest.state -eq “Running” } | Get-HardDisk | measure-object -sum CapacityKB[/sourcecode]

August 18, 2008 · itsahill00

Find total disk usage of snapshots on a given LUN

I was about to delete a ton (more on that later) of VMware ESX 3.5 snapshots in our maintenance window. After some quick Googling, I found Delete all Snapshots which made me hold off on it until I had some more information about our snapshots. This number will just increase daily until they’re committed. So in order to plead a case with our SAN admin, I’ve got to have some information....

June 16, 2008 · itsahill00