FlowBAT is a graphical flow based analysis tool.

FlowBAT is a very snappy UI which wraps flow collection software called SiLK. My interests with FlowBAT and SiLK are around using Open vSwitch to push sFlow data to SiLK and FlowBAT to quickly query that data. Hopefully I’ll get around to posting about OVS, sFlow, SiLK and FlowBAT.

While I was getting started with FlowBAT (and SiLK) I saw there weren’t any ansible roles for either component. The FlowBAT team maintains some shell scripts to install and configure FlowBAT and the SiLK project has SiLK on a box. I ported both of these projects to ansible roles and posted them to ansible-galaxy.

To give them both a try in a Vagrant environment, check out vagrant-flowbat.